Thursday, April 17, 2014

Office Improvements - Scheduling Them To Minimize Business Disruptions

One reason that many dentists put off the renovation of their offices is not because they don't feel that it is needed but more likely because of scheduling issues. When you see that your office is ready to be brought in line with the rest of the world you have a lot of decisions to make. Putting it off can cost you far more than you may realize.

Still, many dentists cannot reasonably afford to shut their office doors for two to three months while renovations take place. According to Shelby Stevens of Dental Town,

You might think you're saving money or being "economical" by keeping your office and its decor as it was when you first opened... but the truth of the matter is that you might actually be losing clients and preventing new ones from coming in.

You have to be able to balance your scheduling issues with scheduling your renovations so that you don't lose out on what's important, your patients.

Time Is Money

When you're discussing the new design features of your new office with your contractor don't just limit yourself to the work to be done. Discuss openly with them the scheduling issues that you'll have. As a matter of fact, when you are getting bids from the various contractors to do your work this should be a major factor that you should evaluate. A professional contractor will ensure that your office is closed for a minimal amount of time and if possible, not at all.

Consider Your Patient's Needs

On average a renovation project can take anywhere from one week or more depending on the amount of work that needs to be done. If you have patients that may not be able to forgo treatment for that length of time, reach out to other dentists in the area that can accommodate your patients in the interim. Another option would be if there is another office you could work out of during that time. The main point is that you consider your patients' needs and have a plan to accommodate them before the project begins.

After Hours Construction

You can also consider after hours construction which means that the contractors work after office hours. Some contractors are willing to have several teams that can be available 24/7 if need be. This will allow you to shut down your business for the least amount of time.

Consider Different Phases

A final option you can consider is doing the renovation in different stages. While this may be the least efficient way of getting the job done and it will most likely take longer to complete, you can guarantee that your work scheduling will not be interrupted in any way. If you can afford to take the extra time and spend the additional money your practice can remain undisturbed for the entire length of the project and neither you nor your patients will have to be without.

The fact is that many dentists will put off making necessary changes to their office environment because of the fear of disrupting their practices. The Wolgast Corporation explains the key to the solution,

Because a dentist practice can't survive very well without actively seeing patients, determining a schedule and a plan prior to construction makes it possible to avoid a detrimental office shutdown.

It doesn't matter if your renovation is for a new office about to be opened or an already bustling business. The key to your success and keeping your business afloat will be in scheduling and flexibility in all areas. For more information about how these can be applied to your renovation project, you can contact renovation experts like apollointeriors for some helpful guidance.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Renovations For Commercial Establishments - Various Factors To Consider

More and more companies are deciding to renovate their existing properties rather than move into a new one. This is due to a variety of factors, one being cost. It is often - although not always - cheaper to renovate than to sell one property and find another one, not in the least because it can take time. Another important issue is the green factor. Renovating means there is no need for a new building to be constructed, which means carbon emissions are lowered as well. Additionally, by renovating, a structure can become greener.

However, there are many factors to consider when renovating a commercial establishment, not in the least because it could affect the structural integrity of the building itself. This is why it is so important to work with a company that is fully qualified to do so. You could start your search online by looking for companies like and others, and reviewing what services they offer.

Information Gathering

As soon as you have chosen a company to work with, they will start to engage in information gathering. It can be recommended to do some of this yourself, as this will shorten your contractor's time spent on the paperwork. Additionally, it will help you create a better understanding of what your own needs actually are, and whether or not your building is able to accommodate those needs.

Before starting on any building, a designer needs information about the ground on which the building is to be built. This is gathered through a survey, a topographic map and a soil test.

These pieces of information are vital, as it will determine what space is available and what can be done with it. One of the main dangers with buildings, particularly older ones, is subsidence, which must be tested as well. If you are experiencing subsidence, it may be easier to simply find a new property.

Consider Equity Building

When you renovate your commercial building and you start to consider the actual design, there are two main things you need to think about. The first and most important thing is your own needs. You have to make sure that the building, once completed, is fit for your purposes and for your staff and customers. It has to reflect the vision of your organization and help people become more productive and deliver better customer service. In addition, it is also about equity.

Think about it - where others may see a run-down property, your business may be able to occupy a prime piece of commercial real estate for a fraction of the cost.

There may come a time when you want to sell your property, and having it renovated will greatly increase its value. Since a renovation isn't cheap, this is an important factor as you will want to see some sort of return on investment in the future. Through good renovation, this should be possible.

There are many other factors to take into consideration, but most of these will be done in conjunction with your contractor. For instance, there has to be some site preparation, the structure has to be inspected and the roof may need to be checked. All of this is before the interior is even taken into consideration. Naturally, interior design is hugely important, but that is the cosmetic element, the part that hides the very ugly, but absolutely vital construction of the building itself. You should only employ a contractor that fully understands both of these elements and is able to cohesively bring these two together. This is what will create an end-result that is beautiful, functional and completely safe.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

How To Determine When To Renovate Your Dental Clinic

When people think of dental offices or other medical offices it can be difficult for them to think of such as businesses. Such establishments are there for taking care of patients' health and dental needs but many people don't realize that without regular patients and money coming in such clinics would not be able to offer such services. Without these patients and the money coming in not only will they not be able to offer the medical services but also on the surface they will struggle to keep the premises looking as professional as they should. For this reason it can be hard to know when a dental clinic should be renovated and so the first place to start looking for information regarding this should be commercial interior designers and specialists who renovate medical and dental settings. You can click on this to give you a good starting point on your search for information. Here are some signs that it might be time to renovate your clinic.


Your premises look outdated if the walls that haven't been painted or papered in years, the flooring is in need of replacement, the furniture belong to a different decade, and so on. It that is so, then it could be time to replace and renovate. Modernizing your office will help to bring in more patients to your clinics and the more people that walk though the doors, the more revenue you make. Old and outdated decoration and furniture will only turn people away meaning you lose money in the long run.

Structural Damage

This is a biggie, because obviously if there is structural damage to your premises such as cracks in the walls, holes in the roof or floor, ceiling tiles missing and so on, then you are in desperate need of a renovation. Aside from the fact that a property like this will give off the impression that you are cheap, poor and don't care for your patients you will also need to consider the safety of patients, clients, staff and anyone else who enters your building. A small problem may not seem like much but small problems which are ignored lead to bigger and bigger problems and you end up completely out of your depth. When it comes to structural damage, you do not want to wait.

"Now a small roof leak is obviously easily repairable. But without the proper professional, you could easily mistake a big problem for a small leak that you think at that time is only in one place. Poor construction, building leaks in roofing, siding, and other areas, and various other things can play into this"

Eco Friendly

A lot of the focus nowadays is on protecting the environment and making the world a healthier place for future generations. In order to do this, many residential, commercial and health based settings are taking steps to become more eco friendly. Recycling and reducing the amount of paper used is a good start. Placing recycling trash cans in your setting will show patients that you care about the environment, as well as using the energy saving light bulbs, fixing solar panels on to the roof and placing lots of plants in all the rooms in your dental office. Ask patients to make sure the taps are turned off in the restrooms to conserve water too. All these tips are very good for the environment.

"Use natural lighting wherever possible. Lighting from open windows will not only save on your electricity bill but it will also draw patients' attentions towards the windows. Natural lighting is brighter, and patients adjust to it better."

At the end of the day it is always good practice to think about when to refurbish a practice's premises.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Does Renovating Your Home Make Sense?

As people lead more and more busy lives they are finding that they cherish their time at home much more. Rather than going out for a busy evening after a hectic day they prefer to relax, socialize, and enjoy their evenings in the comfort of their homes. Professional designers like ApolloInteriors also believe that renovations can improve real property value for resale if you make wise decisions. Good renovation decisions that can help you to create a home that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional are not always easy to come by. For that reason, many people may be asking the question if this kind of investment is really worth it? According to Family Home Improvements,

"Renovation offers tremendous opportunities to create a home that reflects the way you like to live and contributes to your enjoyment of life."

The secret to a successful renovation project requires working directly with a professional renovator that can provide you with a quality result based on their knowledge and technical expertise. This can give you a home that will be able to support not only your personal preferences in style but also a way to enjoy your new and progressive lifestyle. Depending on the room you're considering, a smart renovation project will consider its practicality along with its beauty to create a new space that will fit its purpose in a number of different ways.

The Kitchen

You might want to start with the kitchen. Probably the most informal place in your home is the meeting place for family and friends. A smart renovation project will consider getting the most out of your available space and creating a welcoming environment for everyone. If your kitchen is small and cramped, opening it up to the rest of the home will give it a more spacious feel that will flow into the rest of the house. Larger kitchens could have a cozy little dining area with a breakfast nook for the family to have casual meals together.

That Spare Room

If you're an empty nester or you just have an extra room in your house it may be time to give that room a purpose. Creating a home-based office would be a very smart renovation idea, especially if you're planning on selling the house. More and more people are working at home these days and the added office could bring in much more appeal than an extra bedroom. Installing a built in office center complete with bookcases and file cabinets can help you to get the most out of your available space and stay practical. Make sure that you have prewiring all set in for office equipment as part of your project. It will help to prevent unsightly cords running through your room and keep everything neat and orderly.

Your Bathroom

Whether you're planning to sell or not every bathroom needs a complete overhaul every now and then. Old and cracked toilets can be unpleasant for anyone. Your bathroom should be eye-catching and functional. A well-designed bathroom will build special features into recesses making the room look more spacious and accommodating. Simple features like natural lighting, re-glazing the bathtub, and new flooring can do wonders for the look of your new bath.

For those who are planning to sell their homes a well thought out renovation will make perfect sense. But keep in mind that not all renovation ideas are smart. It is best to consult with a professional designer to make sure that what you're investing in will be worth your while. According to MSN Money,

"It's smart to put your best foot forward when you're selling your house, but not all improvements will help make the sale."
If you're looking to renovate your home either for sale or for your pleasure it would be wise to consult with professionals for some solid advice that will make sure that your renovation project will make sense both financially and aesthetically.